My rating: 0 of 5 stars
When you're a teenager life sucks, it is a given fact of the universe. The fact that Ivy's life LITERALLY is counting down over her, and everyone else's, head some how compounds this fact and makes you pause to think about the shitty decisions you make on a day to day basis.. The actual concept of being able to see how many seconds you have left on earth is insane, knowing that this will be one of the last decisions you make before you die has every possibility of really screwing with your head; save for the fact that this book doesn't quite let you get lost in utter despair. The coupling of intense and insane moral concepts gets shoved to the wayside at certain points with hilarious relationships, confusing sexual encounters, and the mystery of it all. Definitely worth the read, and worthy of conversation after just to get some much wanted closure.
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