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Friday, June 16, 2017

#JulyIsStrange : A Month Long Project

Morning All,

You know when you wake up doing an intense mathematical equation in your head? Yeah, me neither; but this morning I awoke trying to figure out how many days it would take to get through one of the larger books on my shelves: Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.

My copy is 1006, yup my paperback edition is one thousand and six pages. The Kindle version is 865 pages, and even the audiobook is almost 33 hours. Needless to say this novel is an undertaking of almost epic porportions. It's no Infinite Jest mind you, but still, this book is a time investment.

So I did the math. If I take my 1006 page book, divide it by 31 (the number of days in July) I would need to read 32.45 pages a day. I rounded the number to 33 so that I am sure to finish in July.

The best part? I'm doing this as a read along! I invite anyone who wants to, to read this book with me! 33 pages a day for the month of July. I'll be posting on Instagram and Litsy, (follw #JulyIsStrange) and I'm hoping that people join me! I'm all about #LitGoals and this is definitely one of them. Care to join? Let me know if you do!!


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