Today was a day spent trying to find the one, singular, most perfect item to aid me in the coming year of literary challenges. Today I made it my mission to find a book journal. Now there are several available for purchase online, Amazon has a great selection, Moleskine has a seemingly good one at a great price too boot. However I find these sort of things to be challenging to purchase online. When it comes to journals in general I prefer to feel them, smell them, see if the thickness of the pages will hold or smear the ink of my favorite pens. I love looking for journals that are purse sized, ones that I will carry with me every where, or find ones that are large, perfect for desks or nightstand writings. My husband found me a truly beautiful one the other day, an 8x10 Blue Sky marble looking hard back thing of art. Honestly though? I just need something that feels right, is cute, and will keep me committed to it, and an excuse to spend hours in Barnes and Noble to find something that meets ALL the above criteria and then some (and just time spent in B&N) doesn't hurt anything either.
With a solid goal and budget in mind I set about to find my magical item. The first trip through B&N didn't yield a winner, then again I wasn't giving anything a fair enough chance. B&N is my go to place to physically buy Moleskine notebooks, I was looking for the book journal, didn't find it, and found 5 discount books to soothe my soul. At Ross I was able to find a perfect 2017 planner, and thought I found a great notebook to match, but flaws were found. The realization of the coupon magic that was had at B&N meant a trip back to purchase a Christmas gift, and to give the other journals a second chance.

A reading challenge, or a series of them is something at its very core is meant for the Nerd/Geek/Dorkdom's of the world. And books are like the TARDIS, they are bigger on the inside and can transport you
anywhere you could ever want to go.
So this is what I wound up with, and I'm excited to see where it leads me next year.
Thanks for reading,
Brainy Heroine
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