Endurance is not a memoir to be read lightly, though gravity and brevity both take the forefront. Scott's experiences both getting to the ISS and while on it, are a remarkable, pragmatic, and thrilling experiment in the capacity of science and humanity. There is no fluff in his telling, no exaggeration of events, you almost feel like you're having a conversation with him, or rather that he's giving a lecture. The photos and sketches in the book are a great point of reference in a few places; all while giving a truly fantastical experience a homey feel. Scott Kelly did a really and utterly fantastic job, both on his various missions and in the writing of this book. It's hard to explain why I've found it to be so amazing, but it just is. The rollercoaster of emotions that you go through, exhilaration, fear, hope, sadness, all to get to an unknown ending that we get to witness in real life is magical. This is going to be a book that one day sparks some kids interest in a future space program.
About GAMES WE PLAY: Madison Kramer can’t escape her past no matter how hard she tries. Coming clean about her true identity only spurs fans to lash out at her. But one threatening message stands out as so much more than just an irate fan. Someone is playing games with Maddie. Someone who knows a lot more about her than what she’s told the public. She can’t run from her past anymore. This killer is murdering everyone close to Maddie in order to get to her. There’s nowhere left to hide. Nothing short of Maddie’s death will end this game.
About LIES WE TELL (Book 1): Madison Kramer thought her past was behind her. With a new name and a career as a best-selling author, what could go wrong? She never expected Trevor Lockhardt to walk into her book signing, offering his services as her publicist, or that she’d end up falling for him. But what she really didn’t expect was a stalker sending her messages, both written and in the form of dead bodies. Madison can’t escape her parents’ murder any longer. But is it their killer coming to finish what he started fifteen years ago? How long can she keep her past a secret before her lies come back to get her?
Hey There Readers! On a completely different level, ready to read something that makes you question everything? Then I'd highly recommend Poison byGalt Niederhoffer. Now we all know that I am one for a well researched psycho-thriller, I mean it may be a medical condition at this point, so when I was given an ARC of this through Net Galley I was more excited than could be considered normal.
Poison is a literary psychological thriller about Cass and Ryan Connor, their marriage, and a (not so) minor betrayal that leads into a cluster of catastrophic proportions, some manipulation, and more twists than Chubby Checker ever prepared you for. "Cass and Ryan Connor have achieved family nirvana. With three kids between them, a cat and a yard, a home they built and feathered, they seem to have the Modern Family dream. Their family, including Cass' two children from previous relationships, has recently moved to Portland --- a new start for their new lives. Cass and Ryan have stable, successful careers, and they are happy. But trouble begins almost imperceptibly. First with small omissions and white lies that happen daily in any marital bedroom. They seem insignificant, but they are quickly followed by a series of denials and feints that mushroom and then cyclone in menace." While it has been marketed as a mystery you get some serious psycho-thriller, did I read that right, vibes. Every page turned brings you both closer to the truth and further from it. Additionally, the attention to detail and accuracy that the author put into the research may make it hard to read for some. Not going to lie there were a few times I tried to skim over the scientific summaries used, that I then had to go back and read because if you don't read them you'll be lost. Actually, if you skip over anything in this novel you'll be lost. This is definitely one you need to read, word for word, and possibly in one sitting. I felt the characters were thought out, but needed some smoother execution, a few instances are hard to believe if you apply normal logic to them. And based on the ending, I need a second book. Happy Reading! XoXo BrainyHeroine
Sorry to be so absent lately, life gets a little to real sometimes. However, I'd like to take some time today and introduce you to Ruth Emmie Lang, a woman I first met on Litsy, and the author of Beasts of Extraordinary Circumstance. This is a debut novel so extraordinary that Book of the Month even made it one of their October picks, and an exclusive one at that since Lang's title was released in November. I got a copy of it through Net Galley, so I've been sitting on this gem for a while, and it is certainly a book to read when life gets a little to real.
Lang's novel is the sort of fairy tale esque novel that brings back those moments of childlike wonder. Reading it is both foreign and familiar, and somewhat spectacular. As a reader I loved how easy it was to consume; characters are well thought out and complete, the story line is tended too and blossoms brightly, and at the end of it you somehow feel as though you're a little more hopeful. By far this is one of the weirdest books I've read, but also one of the most beautiful. One aspect to the story that I found refreshing was that Weylyn isn't a character you meet through his own eyes. You meet him through everyone else, somewhat like the Little Prince, most of those you meet along the way are for brief moments, yet they leave lasting impressions. On a more personal level I found this book to be a beautiful reprieve from my real life. The magical and lyrical nature to the story made it one that stuck with me; and one that I will carry with me for quite some time. Ruth Emmie Lang has truly crafted a work of art, and it begs the question will you allow yourself to believe in both magic and possibilities?
Also, check out this book trailer! Book trailers are one of my favorite ways to get into a novel and see the world it's written in come to life.
About the Author
Ruth Emmie Lang was born in Glasgow, Scotland and has the red hair to prove it. When she was four years old, she immigrated to Ohio where she has lived for the last 27 years. She has since lost her Scottish accent, but still has the hair. Ruth currently lives in Columbus, Ohio with her husband and dreams of someday owning a little house in the woods where she can write more books. Beasts of Extraordinary Circumstance is her first novel.
You can learn more about Ruth and her work right here!
For audiobook lovers you can also get it on Audible!
Happy Reading!!
(Here's an excerpt to really get you interested!)
“Abettingmancanloseadollar.It’sthemanhebetsonthatcanloseaneye.”Mymotherwouldsaythiswithaconfidencethatsuggestedtherewerenootherpossibleoutcomes,thattherewerethousandsofoneeyedboysout thereapologizingtotheirmothers for nottakingtheiradvice.
“Again?”Iscoffed.Mike’scousinGretchenwasalwaysmakingupstories.Hermostrecentstringofliesfeaturingbelovedfamilypets meeting strange
anduntimelydemises. She
waspretty weird.
thinglookingbackatherthrough the window,andshebolted.”
ofit.Ileapedfromboardtoboard,birdtobird,cuttingthemlooseandthrowingmyarms in theairas if Ihadperformedsomekindofmagictrick.Ruby’slipsweremoving,probablysayingsomethinglike,“Oh!Didyouseethat?Roarkeissobrave.”Whenallthebirdswerefree,ItookabowandwonderedifI’d getakisslater.Thencametimeformyfinaltrick:theDisappearingAct.Likeatrapdoor,theboardbeneathmyfeetgaveway,andIfell.
Istruggledtobreakfreebutonlysucceededinmakingmyselfmoretangled.Wherewasmyknife?Notinmypocket.Ieventuallyspotteditsuspendedseveralfeetabovemefromasinglethreadofsilk.Icouldsee the
webbing had caughtthe blade,notthe
handle, soallIcoulddowaswaitasgravitycutthroughthethreadandhopeitdidn’tlandonanypartofmethatcontainedavitalorgan.
bedwithspringsstickingout ofthemattress.Itwaswhatwasaboveeyelevelthatwascluttered.Spoons,toothbrushes,socks,tweezers,tennisrackets,andotherhouseholdmiscellany hungsuspendedinlong, sticky tendrils
thatdangledfromlargesheets of cobweb on theceiling. It wasasifallthose items hadgottenstuckatsomepointandwhoeverlivedherejusthadn’tbotheredtocutthemdown.