Monday, August 21, 2017

Meet Me in Six Words

Hey There Readers,

How's it going? Feels like I haven't said anything in about 3.5 hours. Haha. One thing I love about #boutofbooks is that they have these little daily check in challenges. Back in May when I participated in Bout of Books 19th readathon I had to do a six word intro, which I have to do again. I went back and looked at my May intorduction and realized not much has changed in the last few months. I'm still more or less the same person, dealing with more or less the same issues. So with that in mind, allow me a moment to rephrase my May intro.

May: "Reading and Grieving and Living and..."

Today: "Reading, grieving, living, accepting, hoping, trying." Also, "Do whatever. Be weird, It's okay."

Two seperate introductions, to parts of the same reader.

Until Next Time,


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