Wednesday, September 6, 2017

To Read the Impossible Read...

Good Morning All,

I'm super excited to announce my next Read-a-Long! Drumroll please...
(Or pretend to hear a drumroll? Maybe?)

For the month of October, in all of its 31 day glory...

The #ImpossibleRead #Readathon

Will be...

A book that has an unreliable narrator...

Has its roots in some history and lore...

Leaves you with unanswered questions...

Is pretty long, topping out at 704 pages...

Happens to be one of my favorites...

Ready to find out?

We'll be reading...

The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova!!

For the month of October, reading at mininmum 23 pages a day, the #ImpossibleReaders will follow our narrator as she explores her fathers library, unearths ancient texts, labryinths of secrets, her family's past and her own future; and maybe combine some fate with long old evils hidden in history.

I cannot wait for you all to join me! To do so, just sign up here:

Until Next Time,
