Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Review: Alexander Hamilton's Revolution: His Vital Role as Washington’s Chief of Staff

Alexander Hamilton's Revolution: His Vital Role as Washington’s Chief of Staff Alexander Hamilton's Revolution: His Vital Role as Washington’s Chief of Staff by Phillip Thomas Tucker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Definitely a 4.5 star book, taking away a smidge just because there are times where Tucker repeats himself repeating himself with repetition, but the information is great! If you're one for history or biographies this is one for you! Or if you're obsessed with a certain rapping broadway star, this will give you some more insight into who Hamilton was, or more really, a packed few years that really helped form his personality and beliefs as well as his relationship with Washington. You won't get the whole Chernow version of Hamilton, but Tucker brings some insight into the passion that made the man.

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Review: The Scarlett Letters: My Secret Year of Men in an L.A. Dungeon

The Scarlett Letters: My Secret Year of Men in an L.A. Dungeon The Scarlett Letters: My Secret Year of Men in an L.A. Dungeon by Jenny Nordbak
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is NOT "True Life : 50 Shades of Grey", no this is the honest, true, kinky, and emotional account of Jenny Nordbak who transformed herself into Mistress Scarlett. I tend to avidly avoid romance novels, but as this is a memoir I, like every other person who reads this book, was curious about her experience and I will not lie, the mindset it takes to be a Domme. If you read this you won't find it to be a "how to", you won't find many tips and tricks laid out, you're going to get the truth. Truth and trust are reoccuring themes in Jenny's story, as they are in any BDSM relationshp. There are also hilarious moments, a few times I couldn't stop laughing and I won't be able to think about the term "prep work" without a chuckle. What comes out of Jenny's pain, and the magnificent person Mistress Scarlett is will break your heart a little, but the one truly beautiful thing here is that while this tale is sexy and true and tabboo, everything happened. This all really happened and she holds nothing back. When you read this, because most of you will read this, be ready for the honesty.

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Monday, June 19, 2017

Review: Einstein and the Rabbi: Searching for the Soul

Einstein and the Rabbi: Searching for the Soul Einstein and the Rabbi: Searching for the Soul by Naomi Levy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is not the book to read if you want a biography of Einstein; yes it is biographical in the sense that to provide context for the letter details surrounding Einstein's life are given, but this book isn't about him. In a weird way, this book isn't even about the author, Rabbi Naomi Levi, this is truly a book about the soul, how we connect, and some sense of peace surrounding the after life. Naomi became a Rabbi, one of the first female Rabbi's in her school, after wanting to be one as a child, after creating that bond with her father over prayer and synagogue. After his death she felt lost. I've recently lost my father and those feelings of being set adrift and wandering are all to familiar to me. I lost myself to this book. I lost myself to her journey surrounding this letter. While I myself am not religious it was a calming experience and soothing to my broken heart. I would gladly read this book again, and most likely will. It would also be one I recommend to those who are grieving and looking for "that book" that tells them how to become whole again.

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#JulyIsStrange : A Month Long Project

Morning All,

You know when you wake up doing an intense mathematical equation in your head? Yeah, me neither; but this morning I awoke trying to figure out how many days it would take to get through one of the larger books on my shelves: Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.

My copy is 1006, yup my paperback edition is one thousand and six pages. The Kindle version is 865 pages, and even the audiobook is almost 33 hours. Needless to say this novel is an undertaking of almost epic porportions. It's no Infinite Jest mind you, but still, this book is a time investment.

So I did the math. If I take my 1006 page book, divide it by 31 (the number of days in July) I would need to read 32.45 pages a day. I rounded the number to 33 so that I am sure to finish in July.

The best part? I'm doing this as a read along! I invite anyone who wants to, to read this book with me! 33 pages a day for the month of July. I'll be posting on Instagram and Litsy, (follw #JulyIsStrange) and I'm hoping that people join me! I'm all about #LitGoals and this is definitely one of them. Care to join? Let me know if you do!!
